Germany – Mallorca, Spain – U.A.E: Torsten was raised in the cosmetic industry and become 2nd boss in command of a cosmetic company in his early career, before he discovered Network Marketing, Affiliate Systems and Online Marketing.
Torsten was personally trained and coached by legacies like Jim Rohn and Tony Robbins.
After becoming successful in Network Marketing and the economic crisis hit in 2008/2009, Torsten lost everything. But he fought through this tuff time and broke all the records with his former company within 2 years. A camera team from the US came to him and made a Biopic (‘Biographical Motion Picture’) about his life in 2014: “From broke to become a million-dollar earner”.

In his previous company he become the fastest ‘Million Dollar Club Member’, the #1 distributor in Europe & Top 7 globally and helped 16 people to the ‘Diamond Level‘ and higher – 80% of his leaders have NEVER been in the Network Marketing industry or NEVER have been successful before.
He built teams and communities of up to 100.000+ people and reached 5 times some of the top ranks in his career and created 9-figure in sales with the companies, he partnered and became an 8-figure 30+ years Network Marketing Veteran and was recognized with countless awards throughout his career. Over time, Torsten has made a name for himself as an influencer, top coach and public speaker and became book co-author of 2 books and every month there are several articles for Direct Selling Magazines published about him.

As an international speaker Torsten spoke in front of audiences of up to 25K. He meets and interviews celebrities all over the world, like Mel Gibson, Moira Forbes, Jillian Michaels, Jessica Simpson, Charly Sheen, Dr. Phil, Apple-Co-Founder Steve Wozniak, Michael Douglas, Brooke Shields, Kiefer Sutherland, Cole Hauser, Vanilla Ice, Russel Peters, Kimora Lee, and many more.
Torsten is coaching companies and individuals about ‘Marketing & Brand-Building’, becoming a ‘Sales Ninja’ and a ‘Social Media Expert’. He is showing people how to go from “From broke to become a million-dollar entrepreneur”, how to create an online business and make money online over social media. Torsten teaches and mentors people to become successful and shares his success principles with them.
You can follow him on Instagram @TopCoachVIP and get in contact with him over his website
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