Charlie Hunnam is set to take on a significant role in the third season of Ryan Murphy’s Netflix anthology series, Monster, which will focus on infamous serial killer Ed Gein. Known as “the Butcher of Plainfield,” Gein’s gruesome story inspired characters like Norman Bates in Psycho. Hunnam will portray Gein, joining a cast that includes Tom Hollander as filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock, Laurie Metcalf as Gein’s mother, and Olivia Williams as Hitchcock’s wife, Alma Reville. Production started in October 2024, with filming expected to conclude in early 2025, suggesting a release by late 2025 or possibly 2026.
This series follows previous seasons focused on Jeffrey Dahmer and the Menendez Brothers, both of which drew significant viewership on Netflix. Hunnam, known for roles in Sons of Anarchy and The Gentlemen, is also featured in Rebel Moon, Zack Snyder’s upcoming sci-fi epic on Netflix
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